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Tuesday 25 January 2011

A postcard from London.

Can you write the address  for this postcard?

Hi everyone!

I am in London. I always  have a great time here.
I am very happy because my friend Liz is with me.
We go to a café and then to the British Museum at the weekend.
It is a beautiful place and the museum is free.
On Tuesdays we usually visit other museums like the National Gallery                                         
and the Theatre museum. Liz ´s friend, Tina,  also comes with us  to  typical
English pubs (beer here is delicious!). We go shopping to Portobello
market in the morning and we go to Soho in the evening.
 We love going shopping and clubbing!
Liz is excited because she can meet her English friends  in London.
The food is not very good. I don´t like baked beans for breakfast but Liz loves them.
Never mind! This is London!

Wish you were here.  See you soon,